About you
The story people tell themselves.
People often tell themselves stories about why they can't have what they want in life. These stories become the barriers that keep them stuck. The most common one is "I'm not good enough". This is a deeply rooted belief that convinces people that they don't have the skills, the talent, or the ability to do what they want to do. The world we live in today fosters this belief daily through social media, ads, and TV shows.
Often this story fuels other limiting beliefs such as "I never get what I want", "I'm too old/young", "I don't know enough" etc.
Outwardly, this shows up as not making the money you want, having the relationships you want to have, not making the impact you want to make, and not feeling fulfilled.
And the truth is that this is just a story that feels so real, you have been falsely led to believe it is a fact. But they are just limiting beliefs masquerading as facts.
And like any story, they can be rewritten.
By recognizing the story for what it is, we can create a new one that creates the future you want.
The weirdest assignment I have ever got.
I was working with business consultant who gave me this assignment to help me identify who I really want to work with. He asked me to write a dating ad for my ideal client. I felt so silly, and I really didn't want to do it, so I procrastinated. In fact, I waited until the last possible moment to do it. I wrote it minutes before our meeting where I was to share it with him. And the first thing that came to mind was "must love dogs". I was embarrassed to share my assignment with him, but I did it, and it ended up being so good, that we decided I should share it here in a video. So here it is.
Not sure if we're a good fit? Let's find out.
You are willing to take responsibility and you don't blame external factors for your problems.
You are goal oriented.
You don't know what is the difference between what's right and what's right for you right now.
You are willing to do whatever it takes to succeed, and you have your boundaries.
You know that in order to learn and develop you need to go outside of your comfort zone. It's not easy but we'll do it together.
You see money as the only measure of success.
You hate dogs.
You were probably looking for some testimonials. So here they are.
Teri is a masterful guru! If you want to take control of your life and business and break through whatever is holding you back from living an exceptional life, Teri gives you the tools. Teri teaches you how to get results in whatever it is you want, in life or in business. If you are really ready to raise the bar, crush your goals, and propel your life forward, you need to work with Teri.
See what taking the next step feels like.
Here is what you can expect during the consultation: the call will be over video and you will be sent the link by email and through a calendar invite. During the call I will ask you questions about your goals, what you would like to focus on and what you feel is in the way of you achieving those goals. We'll also talk about the coaching process and I'll give you options for how we can work together going forward. I will also answer any questions that you have for me.